fabián cañas


  1. Optionals in Swift Objective-C Interoperability

  2. Swift Equatable Enums with Associated Values

  3. Making a Numeric Type in Swift

Build Systems and Dependencies

  1. Keeping Private API Keys Private

  2. CocoaPods and GYP

  3. Per File ARC in CocoaPods



  1. Optionals in Swift Objective-C Interoperability

  2. 2015
  3. Swift Equatable Enums with Associated Values
  4. Making a Numeric Type in Swift
  5. What Excites Me About ResearchKit
  6. Playgrounds

  7. 2014

  8. Getting the Foot in the Door on Swift
  9. Keeping Private API Keys Private

  10. 2013

  11. Per File ARC in CocoaPods
  12. CocoaPods and GYP